Here we have collected a variety of audio-visual material to support you to care and love yourself and to know how to not be part of abusive behaviours or become the target of violence and abuse.
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#ISayNO to revenge porn – AllRise
Revenge porn (‘sexpreading’) is abuse and a violation of a persons dignity. Just don't do it!
#ISayNO to being objectified – AllRise
Sending sexualized pictures of yourself and/or nudes is quite popular, but you can always choose not to be part of it. Don't fall for likes, ...
#ICanSayNO to sexual abuse
If someone is sexual with another person in any way and the other person has not given consent or feels pressured or uncomfortable then this ...
Top 6 Answers to the most annoying questions
Do you also have experienced these annoying questions about how you live what you do and don't do?