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Feature image 0133 Data on violence

Data on Violence

‪This data is based on a survey done within the ‬EU-‪project #ICanSayNO implemented with young people in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Spain‪.‬
Featured Bystander2

What does a bystander mean?

A bystander is a person who is aware, witnesses or suspects that someone is being abused offline or online.
Featured DefinitionsViolance

Definitions on cyber violence

Cyber violence is an online behavior that assaults the well-being of a person or group, causing physical, sexual, psychological harm to them.

How to help a friend who is being abused?

By initiating a conversation about the violence, you are showing the victim that you care, and that they are not alone.
Featured HelpFriendAbuser

How to help a friend who is the abuser?

Most young people who act violently or abusive in a relationship do not consider themselves as being abusers. They think it is not a big ...
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