Cyber Abuse
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Data on Violence
This data is based on a survey done within the EU-project #ICanSayNO implemented with young people in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Spain.
What does a bystander mean?
A bystander is a person who is aware, witnesses or suspects that someone is being abused offline or online.
Is control a form of violence?
Are you controling your partner in the name of love? Find out how cyberviolence is used in intimate relationships
Revenge Porn & Sexpreading
Revenge porn involves the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos, without consent of the individuals shown.
CYBER VIOLENCE – Do you really wanna hurt me
It is important to realize that consequences of cyber violence can be just as dangerous as if the violence occurred offline. Consequences can vary – ...
Cyber Violence … Know your Enemy!
Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking are both criminal acts with sanctions, including fines or prison!
When you see something would you do something?
You’re at a birthday party, a girl nearby has had a lot to drink and is being harassed by someone. What do you do?