Violence & Abuse
Violence & Abuse is massive today and many abusive and violent behaviors have become our daily ‘normal’. Today we are exposed to many forms of violence, being it in the online or offline world and while dealing with this ongoing onslaught we have lost sight of what truly loving, respectful and decent realtionships look like, being this with a partner, friends, family or with ourselves..
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CYBER VIOLENCE – Do you really wanna hurt me
It is important to realize that consequences of cyber violence can be just as dangerous as if the violence occurred offline. Consequences can vary – ...
Cyber Violence … Know your Enemy!
Cyberbullying and Cyberstalking are both criminal acts with sanctions, including fines or prison!
When you see something would you do something?
You’re at a birthday party, a girl nearby has had a lot to drink and is being harassed by someone. What do you do?