Category > Cyber Abuse, Violence & Abuse
When you See something would you Do something?
What can you do to prevent sexual violence?
Example 2 - would you help that person?
it doesn't have to be dangerous - step in!
Scene 1
You’re at a birthday party, a girl nearby has had a lot to drink and is being harassed by someone and you think he may do something harmful to her.
What´s your main concern?
That she had too much to drink and is not able to look after herself or say no to the person harassing her?
What do you do?
A situation doesn’t have to be dangerous for you to step in. Ask yourself what could happen to the people who are involved?
- Consider asking her if she needs help, start a conversation with her.
- Don’t leave. By remaining present as a witness, the potential perpetrator is less likely to act.
- If you know the potential perpetrator ask him to leave her alone.
- Finding allies is key: Recruiting allies, like a mutual friend or party host can be much more productive and safer than trying to do it alone.
What boys and young men can do to prevent sexual violence?
- Don’t engage in any forms of sexual harassment, such as cat- calling, unwanted touching, or inappropriate behaviour.
- Don’t ignore a person if they say ‘no’ or seem reluctant or resistant in any way.
- When your best friend tells a sexist joke about abusing girls in some way, say you don’t find it funny.
- If a friend or classmate is abusing another person speak up against the abuse and don’t look the other way.
- Learn to observe others behavior and identify if its abusive.
Note: Most porn shows that abuse is part of a sexual relationship and that this is a normal behaviour. However, it is not normal and unacceptable to abuse someone or treat someone in a disrespectful way.
Scene 2
Ana and Peter are 16. Early on in their relationship, Peter pressured Ana to let him take nude photos of her. When Ana ended the relationship, Peter didn’t accept this and kept messaging her to get her back.
When Ana didn’t reply, Peter shared a nude picture of Ana with his friends on Instagram. Because of this Ana was targeted by peers for weeks, calling her a slut, etc.
Ana’s close friends tried to show their support and comfort her privately, but no one had the courage to defend her on social media. People in the school started to laugh and talk about her behind her back. Ida was Ana’s only friend who told her classmates to stop making comments and to imagine how they’d feel if someone made that comment about themselves, their sister or girlfriend.
have you ever witnessed an abusive act like this? Did you say or do anything ? Did anybody else do or say anything?
What´s your main concern?
That Ana is experiencing digital abuse and bullying.
What do you do?
This is abusive behavior that can happen to anybody any time and can have serious consequences. Ask yourself what can you do to help Ana and to stop the abuse?
- Speak with Ana and ask how you can support her and if she wants to get an adult involved.
- Ida is talking to her classmates, you can too!
- Speak up against the abuse on Social Media.
- Tell everybody that this is abuse