Category > Relationships, Sex
Let’s Talk about Sex
What does it mean being ready for sex? Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever talked about it with friends, parents/guardians or other people you trust? As well as knowing and being aware of contraception and STI’s its equally important to ask ourselves not only the reason why we want to have sex but what does being ready mean to us?
Does it mean you are ready when you have reached a specific age? Perhaps once you have reached the age of consent, you might feel that you are ready for sex or at least should be ready?
Are you ready as soon as your relationship is official? Or is there a feeling of expectation to be ready for sex as soon as you enter a committed relationship?
For some there may not even be a readiness the first (few) time(s), however is the idea of needing to gain experience in order to then be ready when the ‘right person’ comes around enough of a reason to have sex?
But what if, being ready for Sex has absolutely nothing to do with Sex!
SEX is so often a distraction from connecting deeper with another and exploring one another, aka getting to know one another more. The focus and emphasis is so strongly put on sex while all the potential feelings and the connection experienced are a sideshow. But what if sex isn’t the main show or jackpot? Sex may result in a climax but you being yourself (in all that you are) and feeling absolutely safe and held (the same goes for your partner) in all aspects of the relationship not just during sex is key. And what if this isn’t just during sex but how you are with each other all of the time?
Whether it’s your first or twenty-first time, sex should always be something that you feel to do, want to do and do not feel pressured into.
If you ever feel pressured (by yourself or anyone else) to have sex, DO NOT have sex. This is not a basis for being ready nor is it a way to achieve any readiness.