Category > Love, Relationship with yourself, Self-love & Self-care
What is Love?
We believe or are told that love is a strong emotion felt for another person and we learn that this emotion involves affection, compassion, care and even self-sacrifice.
What if this is the complete opposite and love actually has ZERO EMOTIONS in it but is instead a beholding of yourself which then holds another in the same space?
What if love is actually who we already are? Something within us that is always there just waiting for us to connect to it?
This is of course very different to what we have thought love to be.
It may sound strange when we hear this first and we may not understand fully what that means…
But we can start with the knowing that Love is the most natural state of being to us – and that we are made of it – it is already within you not something to search for outside of yourself.
And this is already a great start as we can let go of all that we have believed love to be and that it is not just for ‘special’ moments and with ‘special’ people.
The truth is that you have all the love you need inside you #truestory!!!!
But does the world reflect this to us?
Aren’t we constantly told in many ways that we are not good enough?
There are many ways we are told that we are not good enough, that there is someone more beautiful than you, that you have to do millions of things to be loved.
Pretty much every music video, movie, magazine, advertising, social media and sometimes even people close to us, like family, friends or teachers, can reflect or say to us we are not enough. Comparison is all around us!
No wonder we have so much lack of self-esteem and self-worth.
All those images and ideals are making us try to achieve:
- The “right” body and looks
- The “right” friends
- The “right” and perfect boyfriend or girlfriend
- The “right” amount of money so you can buy yourself a good life
- The “right” job
- The “right” grades
- The “right” way to be
Comparison is toxic and massive in the world…we compare all the time.
Comparison is when we look outside of ourselves and compare ourselves to someone else. When comparing, we wish for something other than we have or are…..focusing on the outside, and not within.
But nothing out there can ever make us feel the grandness we already are inside!!
BE YOURSELF!! There is no need to try!!
Allow yourself to be. When you accept yourself, you don’t need to get the approval or recognition from others. You don’t need to look on the outside, because you know who you are on the inside.
- How well do you know yourself?
- Do you accept yourself and your imperfection?
- Are you open to learning about yourself?
- Are you absolutely honest with yourself and how you feel a lot of the time?
- Do you spend time on your own, just with yourself?
- Do you observe what is around you and how this can affect and influence how you feel?
- Do you do what you really love, or do you do what everybody else is doing?