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What? You don’t drink Alcohol?
It’s socially accepted to drink alcohol from a young age, even if it’s illegal. Society’s labeled it as normal. The consequences that come with drinking are alarming and harming, especially when young people drop their standards after their first drink.
Testimonial on Self-Love
When people spoke to me about self-love it seemed like a pointless concept, definitely not grand or romantic. In fact, it sounded boring. Wasn’t the point of love to fall madly in love with someone who would love you back – a partner who would make life fulfilling and make you feel complete?
Health Check
It’s really important to do regular health checks with your body so you get to know your body and are aware if anything changes that doesn’t feel right.
STI’s… They are not Sexy!
While consent, knowing your boundaries, being in a relationship that is respectful, and fun IS sexy. STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) aren’t! Do you know your STI’s?
A Number shouldn’t tell Me how to Feel about Myself
Do you sometimes make your mood dependent on the number on the body scale? This is a super inspiring Testmonial from Paula on this topic.
What exactly does it mean to ‘Have a Standard’?
A standard is a baseline, value about something that you just don’t go below. It is a beautiful space you feel held in and it supports you to stay connected to yourself.
Being a Virgin
We live in a world that is hyper sexualized and at every corner we are told that life is all about sex.
Being tech-savvy is not the only thing you need to know when it comes to online dating and talking to people online.
There is so much talk about health and how to become healthy. What about living consistently healthy to not only keep our body healthy but also have a much stronger body, that in case of sickness it can deal with everything that’s going on?
What’s Period Poverty?
You may not know it, but period poverty is actually a huge problem worldwide for people who menstruate because they are unable to afford sanitary products.
Move in Cycles! Deepen the Relationship with You
Observing yourself allows you to develop a greater awareness of what impacts your body and your well-being.