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What? You don’t drink Alcohol?
It’s socially accepted to drink alcohol from a young age, even if it’s illegal. Society’s labeled it as normal. The consequences that come with drinking are alarming and harming, especially when young people drop their standards after their first drink.
Hormonal Contraception for Woman
There are some non-artificial hormone types of contraception which are the condom, diaphragm, copper IUD and sponge. This article provides some basic information on forms of hormonal contraception.
Health Check
It’s really important to do regular health checks with your body so you get to know your body and are aware if anything changes that doesn’t feel right.
Contraception – Your Body your Choice
There are many different contraceptive methods. This article gives a short overview on the Male and Female Condom.
STI’s… They are not Sexy!
While consent, knowing your boundaries, being in a relationship that is respectful, and fun IS sexy. STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) aren’t! Do you know your STI’s?
What is Self-Love?
When you love and accept yourself, you don’t feel the need to seek approval or recognition from others. Theres no need to look outside of you.
Is your relationship truly supporting you?
How many people are in a relationship that isn’t truly supportive? Why do we choose this and settle for less?
Self-Care Checklist for Girls
Watching yourself and what happens in your body increases your awareness of how you feel and how you react to different situations and people.
Move in Cycles! Deepen the Relationship with You
Observing yourself allows you to develop a greater awareness of what impacts your body and your well-being.
Safety Plan
A safety plan is a practical plan to help you stay safe and lower the risk of being hurt by your abuser.